
Anon Drinks‘ CEO Julian Ebbutt lives nearby to our base in South Wales, and was one of the first alcohol free brands we contacted. Here he gives us more information on the brand.

Q: What are your company’s values?

To provide a range of exciting an innovation non-alcoholic spirits, so consumers can enjoy their favourite tipple without the after affects.

Q: What produce are you most famous for?

I would say our English Garden is our most famous and popular product.  That was one of our first products to market and was an instant success.  It is a non-alcoholic version of Pimms.

Q: What makes it so special?

The feedback we have had is that it tastes as good, if not better than its Pimms alcoholic equivalent.

Q: How long have you been producing it?

We have been making this one from the beginning, which was in June 2021.

Q: Can you tell us about your product range and the ingredients you use? What sets your products apart from others on the market?

Spiced Cane: Our non-alcoholic spiced rum alternative, Spiced Cane is made using natural botanicals, spices, sugar and flavours that evoke the essence of a traditional spiced rum, without the alcohol content.

No Groni: Our non-alcoholic take on the classic Negroni, No Groni is a blend of bitter, sweet, and herbal flavours, expertly crafted to provide the same complexity and depth as its alcoholic counterpart.

English Garden: Our non-alcoholic version of Pimm’s, English Garden is a delightful blend of fruit, botanicals, and spices, offering a refreshing and sophisticated alcohol-free alternative for warm summer days.

Bittersweet Aperitif: This non-alcoholic Aperol substitute boasts a perfect balance of bitter and sweet flavours, making it an excellent choice for pre-dinner or anytime drinks.

Christmas Pudding: A spiced, non-alcoholic rum-type drink perfect for the festive season, Christmas Pudding combines traditional holiday flavours with the warmth and depth of a classic rum.

What sets our products apart from others on the market is our commitment to using only the finest natural ingredients and innovative production techniques. We strive to create non-alcoholic beverages that capture the essence, complexity, and depth of their alcoholic counterparts, ensuring that our customers can enjoy a fulfilling and satisfying experience without the negative effects of alcohol.  They also offer great alternatives to any bar to make cocktails without alcohol.

Furthermore, our brand is dedicated to promoting a healthier and more inclusive lifestyle, catering to individuals who wish to reduce or eliminate alcohol from their lives while still enjoying the social and cultural aspects of drinking. With our extensive range of non-alcoholic spirits and drinks, we are at the forefront of the alcohol-free revolution, offering customers a world of flavor and enjoyment without compromise.

Q: Apart from your own, what is your favourite non-alcoholic drink?

Greene King produce a non-alcoholic beer called Abbot Ale.  It is such great quality and tastes just like the real thing.

Q: How do you stay up to date with the latest trends and innovations in the beverage industry, and what steps do you take to incorporate these into your products?

We regularly attend trade shows and exhibitions for the on-trade industry.  We are also very close to our sellers in the bars and restaurants, they tell us what customers are asking for, we try to stay ahead of the curve and market trends.  We know that our customers want an adult drink, full of flavour, which still gives them a social experience without the aftereffects of alcohol.  

Q: Can you give us a little known or quirky fact about your own produce? What inspired you to start your drink supply company, and what is your company’s mission?

Our parent company was already the supplier of soft drinks to Pret A Manger, and we had carved out a great niche for really great adult soft drinks.  It made sense for us to move into the non-alcoholic spirits market too.  Our founder previously had a serious illness and stopped really drinking alcohol.  One thing led to another, and here we are!

Use the code NOLO15 on their website for a 15% discount.